The Heredium Group

The Heredium Group is an international consultancy specialising in the establishment of private real estate portfolios for and with investment partners, primarily UHNW families. We always focus on capital preservation and long-term security where steady long-term capital growth is favoured over immediate profit. Within those parameters we agree the characteristics of each portfolio with our investment partners and together determine the ideal size of the total portfolio, the ticket size of the individual properties, preferred cities and locations, time frames, and whether leverage is attractive in the current volatile interest rate environment.
Typically, upon completion of a portfolio, a third-party property manager is nominated, while Heredium continues to provide strategic asset management. Thus, over a number of years the value of the portfolio is developed and enhanced. Often this is realised by acquiring properties in prime locations that have been neglected by previous owners and have not reached their inherent potential. We are available to renegotiate rents, adjust tenancies, initiate and oversee renovations, as well as to arrange bank finance at superior conditions.
We work together with a select group of investors who share our philosophy and who are determined to invest their capital for the long term in a solid, risk-averse manner. Of course when the need arises to liquidate a portfolio, we are ready to support our clients in realising the best available values at the appropriate time. Since 1987 Heredium has established, asset managed, and sold property portfolios in Switzerland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Gibraltar and the United Kingdom. More recently, Heredium has established an office in Japan as we continue to seek opportunities for our investors across different markets.
Our reputation in the property market is key to our success and, as a buyer, we aim to provide as clean an offer as possible for properties that are of interest, to close quickly and to keep our promises! Heredium strongly believes in creating and maintaining positive relationships and will always aim to establish personal relationships with all stakeholders in any transaction rather than looking at the bricks and mortar alone. It is particularly important that we meet our partners on a regular basis (in person or on online) in order to understand their drivers and determine how we may continue to improve our mutually beneficial co-operation - it is normal that intentions and needs will change over time and we value long-term relationships highly.
Entry barriers to a country for foreign investors are often considerable, owing to a myriad of variations in property law, taxation, customs and language. In order to operate successfully in each country, a local partner with a superb network and local knowledge, yet also with an international background, is essential. The Heredium Group provides exactly these strengths, having over the years successfully established itself in various countries and having been able to spot the time at which a country would offer future outperformance.